Minimize the DSC signed file size strikingly!

File size of DSC signed forms can be reduced with suitable course of action!

MCA pdf e-forms been introduced in a systemized way that signing of forms is possible only with DSC of respective person intending to upload the respective forms. (Signing with DSC of director, professional etc.,) 

Pdf forms for filing of information with MCA to be mandatorily signed with DSC of respective person as authentication of the details mentioned in the forms. Uploading of forms is feasible only when the pdf e-forms are properly signed with DSCs. 

MCA allows to upload the forms with size up to 6MB approximately. Pdf e-forms of size beyond 6MB are not feasible to upload. Often we come across a problem that pdf forms size increases drastically after signing the forms with DSCs. After signing e-forms size may go beyond the limit of 6MB and uploading of forms will be not possible.

Make sure that pdf file size is within the limit specified before uploading, if not please proceed with the suitable course of action before signing with DSC to reduce the size of pdf file.

👉  Please open any PDF file of your choice in your desktop/laptop system.
👉  Once the pdf file is opened, on taskbar menu items go to Edit option. 
     Press on highlighted Edit one time to check the drop down list.
👉 In the Edit dropdown list you can find Option Preferences as the last drop down
  item and press one time to open preferences pop up box or             else shortcut ctrl+K can be used on opened pdf file which directly takes us 
    to preferences Pop up box. 
👉 In preferences pop up box by default signatures will be highlighted in
    categories section left side and on right side Digital signatures particulars are
👉 In Digital signatures particulars Focus on creation & appearance option and          click the more tab to enter in to creation & appearance preference particulars.
👉 In the creation & appearance preferences pop up - under creation category
    kindly uncheck the tick mark at option Include signatures's revocation status. 
👉 save the preferences by pressing ok tab. 

Selected preferences as above shall make the pdf files/e-forms possible to sign with DSC at nominal size so that form size is strikingly reduced for uploading with MCA. 



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